Site Map


The ScrumUP <reference> can be navigated using the following entrances:

  • Workflows
    The workflows are a concise way of showing how the team cooperates to achieve certain goals within the development process. They show how roles work together to accomplish tasks and which work products are used as input and output. From these workflows you can navigate to descriptions of tasks, roles and work products.
  • Responsibilities
    Most work products evolve through the cooperation of several roles. One role is responsible for its creation and maintenance, others deliver input and there can be roles responsible for formally accepting the work product. The Collaroration Matrix gives an overview of all work products and the roles that are involved in their creation. From this Collaroration Matrix you can navigate to descriptions of tasks, roles and work products.
  • Phases
    Gives an overview of the milestone criteria that can be used to determine if a phase can be closed to go to a next phase.
  • Disciplines
    Disciplines are groupings of tasks for which similar knowledge and skills are needed. Here we give an overview of disciplines used in ScrumUP.
  • Roles
    A role is a way of grouping responsibilities that need similar knowledge and skills. Taking up a role within a team means accepting these responsibilities. Here we give an overview of roles that are used in ScrumUP.
  • Tasks
    A task is a unit of work for which the responsibility can be taken up by one person in fulfillment of a certain role. It has a clearly described purpose and can be used as a unit for planning. Here we give an overview of tasks that are used in ScrumUP.
  • Work products
    A work product is a labeled product that captures a set of related information, used to support the development process or the use of the solution. Here we give an overview of work products that are used in ScrumUP.